
Wellness Challenge 2025

This is a guest post by Deborah Christie, JoyFIT instructor. This is an invitation to begin the New Year with a commitment to personal wellness and spiritual growth.

The Global Burden of Childhood Trauma

This post uses a metaphorical electrical and telecommuncations grid to illustrate how childhood or adolescent psychic or physical trauma disrupts neural networks, with resultant adult ill-health consequences.

How Unprocessed and Unhealed Trauma is Likely Affecting You

Unhealed “wounds of the soul” can create havoc in physical and mental health, in spiritual growth, and in relationships throughout our entire lifespan. In this post we explore the actual mechanisms how this happens, as well as hope for healing.

Circles of Healing

We have long known that loving touch is crucial to healthy infant development.  But loving touch is also essential for well-being in adulthood.  After Covid-19 we need to be reminded of the value of healthy touch and the power of healing in circles. Read the post here.

Resilience, Burnout, and Easter

1/3 of Canadian workers are reporting burnout. This post explores some of the reasons and how the Easter story for people of faith empowers resilience and perseverance.

FIT for LIFE 3

This 3rd post in the Fall series on being “fruitful” is a reflection on the loss and stress of Hurricane Fiona. Our planet is “groaning” from weather events, unrest, and war. But there is hope. You can read about it here. (Posted October 8, 2022)

FIT for LIFE 2

This is the 2nd post in the Fall series on having a “fruitful harvest.” Inspired by Queen Elizabeth’s legacy. She exemplified “FIT.” (Posted September 14, 2022)


This post is the start of a new Fall series on having a “fruitful harvest” in your life. It is of course a metaphor or word picture of saying, doing and creating good things. (Posted August 31, 2022)

Buried Treasure

This is a guest post by Moira Cairns. We are grateful for her early contributions to the founding of IHTC, and our logo design. We wish her God’s blessing as she and her family move to the US, and and as she furthers her studies in Music Therapy. (Posted June 9, 2022)

The Freedom of Forgiveness Part 2

This post is Part 2 of the two part series on dealing with the self-imposed prison of offence.  Here you are encouraged to become self-aware of signs of ongoing offence and unforgiveness, and the practical steps to letting go and forgiving. (Posted April 14, 2022)

The Freedom of Forgiveness

This post  is Part 1 of a 2 part series on dealing with offence.  Unforgiveness and offence are a root cause of much human suffering. Not only does it destroy relationships and cause wars, it also sickens our bodies and causes mental illness.  And it deadens us spiritually. (Posted March 31, 2022)

Is inflammation making you sick?

Is chronic inflammation making you sick?  Or causing you to be at increased risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s disease?  This post explores what we now know to be a common pathway to these diseases.  The good news is that lifestyle changes can undo chronic inflammation and all its negative effects. (Posted March 9, 2022)

Celebrate Recovery

This is a guest post by Celebrate Recovery. IHTC is pleased to partner and collaborate with like minded health and well-being ministries and organizations that will help you shed your “unwanted baggage.” (Posted February 23, 2022)

Flourishing in Every Season

There is great life lessons in nature. While this tree was obviously traumatized in its “youth,” it has recovered and is flourishing. We call that post-traumatic growth. This post examines some great life lessons from trees that will help you flourish in every season. (Posted February 9, 2022)

Work Healthy

Good, meaningful, safe work bolsters health and well-being. Worklessness for any reason, and toxic workplaces, both increase risk for both mental and physical illness. This post examines evidence from the literature about the value of good work and how owners and managers hold a huge responsibility for the people in their employ. (Posted Jan. 6, 2022)

Practise Healthy Sexuality

There is a great deal of research and published data that correlates healthy sexuality and a stable relationship with health, well-being, and longevity. This post is a challenge to find and practise healthy sexuality and to request help for sexual dysfunction and its consequences. (Posted Dec. 22, 2021)

Know your mission

Knowing God’s call on your life, your unique purpose and destiny, your mission for life, is key to your spiritual growth and well-being. This post challenges you to clarify your mission, and to commit it to paper in a Personal Mission Statement. (Posted Dec. 8, 2021)

Correct faulty beliefs

Faulty beliefs like, “I am unlovable,” are detrimental to health and well-being. They are now called “cognogens,” and just like virus or bacteria “pathogens,” cause dis-ease and spread from person to person. This post examines their origin, the belief-expectation cycle, and how to get help to break the cycle. (Posted Nov. 24, 2021)

Break the cycle of addiction

Addictions can be anywhere from IV heroin or fentanyl, to caffeinated soft drinks, or from social media to workaholism. They all function to numb distress. But in the long run they all damage health and well-being, and become unstoppable. This post will help break the cycle. (Posted Nov. 10, 2021)

Synergize – Become a great team player

Synergy is the concept that 1 + 1 is greater than 2. The sum together is greater than simply adding the parts. That is the secret to great teamwork and for any organization or faith community to accomplish its mission. It also leads to personal growth and fulfillment. This post includes links to just released books on building great teams. (Posted Oct. 28, 2021)

Live your values

Knowing, and living, your highest values is a key to a thriving life.  By knowing your “true north,” you can consistently grow and mature into the person you were created to be. This post gives you practical advice to find and prioritize, and then live, your values. (Posted Oct. 14, 2021)

Heal past trauma

Unhealed trauma from either childhood or adulthood is like an iceberg.  The resulting suppressed and unprocessed painful emotions under the water surface never die.  They eventually rise above the surface as anger issues, depression, or a host of physical illnesses.  This post is about starting the journey of dealing with a painful past. (Posted Sept. 30, 2021)

Schedule adequate rest and sleep

Burnout is rampant, especially among young people. Learning about margin and limits is crucial for us all to stay healthy and productive. This post has practical steps on keeping healthy margin by scheduling enough restorative sleep, a daily rhythm of silence and solitude, and a day a week off to “sharpen your saw.” (Posted September 15, 2021)

Build trust in all your relationships

Trust is the glue that holds relationships and organizations together. While it takes time to earn, it can be lost in seconds. This post has practical tips on how to build trust in your intimate relationships, teams, and organizations (Posted Sept. 2, 2021).

Be a worshipper

Ultimately, you worship where you believe your hope is for a better tomorrow.  For people of faith who believe in the Bible, it is worshiping the Triune God (Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit).  And for the majority of those with a practising spiritual faith, there are associated disciplines which are known to be health promoting.  Read the entire post here (posted August 18, 2021).

Be a lifelong learner

There has never been an easier or cheaper time to pursue the self-mastery skill of lifelong learning.  One of the benefits of the Covid pandemic has been that many sought-after conference speakers and authors have put tons of their content on-line, often for free.  Read the entire post here (posted August 5, 2021).

Nutrition and Eating Healthy – Posted July 15, 2021

Boundaries – Posted June 30, 2021

Identity restoration – Posted June 16, 2021

Self-regulation – Posted June 1, 2021

Physical Activity and Fitness – Posted May 19, 2021

Communication—The Currency of Social Capital – Posted May 5, 2021

Faith—The Health Benefits of Belief – Posted April 21, 2021

Self-Awareness – Posted April 7, 2021

From Grief Back to Joy – Posted March 16, 2021

What is Greatness? – Posted March 8, 2021

Need for Connection – Posted Feb. 27, 2021